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Strategic Brand Management entails an introduction to issues and concerns faced by brand stewards and provide Australian students with contemporary tools to manage them. This unit that is also studied as a part of marketing management stresses on practical application and applied focus for students as it boosts practical learning experience for the students. Hence, a lot of case study approach and emphasis is given to contemporary trends in the branding practice and which is strategic in nature. The strategic brand management process uses three key blocks for analysis that are identified as follows:
Understanding and exploring a brand and benefits of a strong brand reputation over the competitors acting as a competitive edge.
Many key concepts like retail and luxury branding, studying theories presented by Keller, etc.
This unit is closely related to Marketing Law and Sustainable Environmental Marketing.
Our experts at Sample Assignment possess deep knowledge about the subject of strategic marketing, and the assignments that are completed by our experts are rated very highly by our students and are always recommended to their friends. Get Expert assignment help on your management subjects by Australian universities graduates. You can send us your details through Order Now Form or sending us a chat message on our website.
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